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NEW! Global conditions of importance are covered, including those previously not discussed, that exist in Europe, Central and South America, Australia, and New Zealand. 
NEW! Coverage of emerging and re-emerging diseases includes the new pathogen discovery.
NEW! Assessment of vaccination status and susceptibility to infection discusses how antibody titers can predict protection for some pathogens.
NEW! Description of epigenetics and metagenomics provides detailed coverage of these emerging areas of interest.Â
NEW! Table of zoonoses obtained from large animals includes symptoms and disinfection needs.
NEW! Coverage of genetic disorders, Hydrocephalus in Fresians and Pulmonary hypoplasia with Anasarca in Dexter cattle help you to treat these disorders.Â
NEW! Extensively updated content clarifies the latest research and clinical findings on the West Nile Virus, therapeutic drug monitoring, muscle disorders, GI microbiota, the genetic basis for Immune-mediated myositis in Quarter Horses, discoveries in antimicrobial drugs, anthelmintic, and vaccines, and more!